World of DevilCp!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Moody days

Something had been missing. Not sure what is it... But been feeling low moral since these few days..

Worst for today.. I'm the type of person that will fire back if I isn't happy or heard things that I don't like to, but instead in the meeting with my partner today, I just chose to be quiet... Tired.. If he really understand other's hard work, he wouldn't be blah blah blah so much. I'm pissed and boiling but just don't want to say anything. Anger Management.... maybe..

Reserved a long (three joining together) table for Ham, for a liquor drinking session, just hope that I wont get drunk. lol.. Shona the first to be sited, now Boon and Andy just reached too.. Just hope that later i can feel better when blending in with them. A branch of Jokers!

kicking moody mood away.

1 comment:

Florence said...

cheerrrrrr up~~~
n be happy always =)

I Support NuffNang!!

DevilCp Logical Thinking: ... Coming together is the beginning, Keeping together is the process, Staying together is SUCCESS!!! "To be or not to be, the answer lay within your heart. I am who I am to be by your side. Don't have to ask why, Cuz I'm always here to protect my loves one, till the last day of my life. As long as I'm needed, I'll be there. As then, come what may..... "