World of DevilCp!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The stream of light

What is light?
Light is all around.
We need it, but it doesn't need us.
Light only needs an energy source.

It travels. That's all it does.
Unthinking, straight, it goes on and finally fades.
Always streaming from a source,
If that source is cut off,
The light will no longer come.
No longer reflect.
No longer shine.

We cannot see it traveling,
Yet we know where it comes from when we look to the source.
Invisible as it travels,
Bright as it reflects.

Through far space and endless time,
It moves unseen until it reaches its destination.

Why can't we smell it?
Why can't we taste it?
We can feel nothing more than the heat it creates,
Yet it provides so much more.

Life and sight.
Two separate entities,
Bound together by light.
Life comes from the light,
But sight requires both Light and Life to live.

Light is really interesting to me. And the processes by which we perceive things as well, whether it's light, or sound in particular. Did you know that light is one-dimensional? It's a wave shooting into your eyes, and somehow our brains create worlds of meaning, adding another dimension to what we actually take in...and then there's the auracity of how we hear and locate sounds depending on milliseconds of difference in the time that the sound reaches one ear before the other. Wow. I like learning things.

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I Support NuffNang!!

DevilCp Logical Thinking: ... Coming together is the beginning, Keeping together is the process, Staying together is SUCCESS!!! "To be or not to be, the answer lay within your heart. I am who I am to be by your side. Don't have to ask why, Cuz I'm always here to protect my loves one, till the last day of my life. As long as I'm needed, I'll be there. As then, come what may..... "