World of DevilCp!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Still hanging on, becoming immortal soon.. maybe zombie too...

Can't really believe it myself that I'm been awake for the pass two days... thought that I should be damn tired for now, but my eyes just wouldn't want to close. Hmm anyway I'll continue on my blog editing...

Hope that I can customize something really nice on my another testing blog site. Till then maybe I'll feel tired then just doze off like that. Just need something to keep my mind busy... else.. haiz.. forget it..

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I Support NuffNang!!

DevilCp Logical Thinking: ... Coming together is the beginning, Keeping together is the process, Staying together is SUCCESS!!! "To be or not to be, the answer lay within your heart. I am who I am to be by your side. Don't have to ask why, Cuz I'm always here to protect my loves one, till the last day of my life. As long as I'm needed, I'll be there. As then, come what may..... "